AUDIT Alcohol Use Screener
Name of the Test: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
Creators: Developed by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Purpose: The AUDIT is a self-administered screening tool designed to identify individuals with hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption, as well as those with alcohol use disorders.
What it Tests: The AUDIT consists of 10 questions that assess the quantity and frequency of alcohol consumption, alcohol dependence symptoms, and alcohol-related problems. The questions are divided into three domains:
- Alcohol consumption (Questions 1-3)
- Dependence symptoms (Questions 4-6)
- Alcohol-related problems (Questions 7-10)
The specific areas evaluated include:
- Frequency of drinking
- Typical quantity of alcohol consumed
- Incidents of binge drinking
- Loss of control over drinking
- Morning drinking
- Feelings of guilt or remorse
- Alcohol-related injuries
- Others’ concerns about drinking
Scoring: Each item is scored from 0 to 4, with total scores ranging from 0 to 40. The severity of alcohol use can be classified as follows, although different scoring systems are used:
- 1-7: Low risk
- 8-12: Risky
- 13 or above: High risk
Target Population: The AUDIT is intended for use in adults, including the general population and patients in primary care, hospital, and community health settings. It is widely used to identify individuals who may benefit from advice or intervention related to their alcohol use.
Mental Health Screening Application: We offer this test in our mental health screening application that contains a collection of commonly used screening tests for the convenience of patients and practitioners.
See Also: PHQ-9 Screener, GAD-7 Screener, ASRS-V1.1 Screener, PC-PTSD-5 Screener, TAPS-1 Screener, TAPS-2 Screener, The Value of Screening