Mental Health Screening Made Easier!
In mental health or primary care treatment, we want to screen patients regarding an assortment of psychological problems they may be experiencing, in hopes of improving their quality of life. Unfortunately, mental health screening can be confusing and overwhelming for practitioners. The number of screeners is always increasing and most are only available as tests that must be manually filled in by the patient and then evaluated by hand (if they are not behind a paywall). Practitioners should not have to independently search sometimes questionable websites to find appropriate patient screening tools, and then score them by hand individually. This application seeks to streamline the screening process, by offering several copyright-free digital screening tools in one convenient place. You will also get immediate results, so it would be possible to discuss results in session, allowing the provider to address concerns more quickly.

What To Expect From The Application
When you enter the application you will see an introduction page with instructions and screening tool descriptions. These screening tools are currently available (click the names below for more information):

This is an example of what you and your patients will see when working in the application. The patient enters their information, which is then prominently displayed to the provider. The bars show which questions they responded strongly to (unless the bars are red, indicating no response). To save the description for later, you can use the “copy current description” button, and paste it wherever you store patient data.

Uniquely Positioned To Give You Great Service
You may want to know why this mental health screening application is on a website that is very clearly not mental health or psychology related. This website is instead dedicated to R programming (commonly associated with statistics), and this application has been entirely created with R Shiny, an application development framework in the R programming language. The only developer and owner of this website is passionate about R programming and demonstrating its utility. However, he also has a strong interest in psychology holding an undergraduate and master’s degree in psychology. What this means for you is that your questions and concerns will be addressed by someone who understands abnormal psychology, and also happens to be the application developer.

Areas of Community Driven Development
This application will be community-driven, in that future development direction will come from members who use the software. Future development can come in a few different domains depending on the needs of members and what is technically feasible.
New screening tools will be added as requested by members (the tools must be in the public domain).
More robust data logging methods are being considered, the issue is that it must work for all users while maintaining data security. The current copy-and-paste data saving method, while not very automated, is the most secure method because the data is not saved anywhere besides temporary application memory.
Adding diagnostic checklists would be an area of interest, however, the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria are not in the public domain. Rights to replicate the material would need to be obtained from the American Psychiatric Association.

Payment Information and Sign-up
Standard pricing is a flat fee (shown on the right or below), which includes all feature updates made to the software. These updates may include additional screening tests, user interface improvements, and usability improvements.
Payment Options
Payments are processed through PayPal, which accepts:
A Bank Account
A Credit Card
A PayPal Balance
Refund Policy
Refunds requested within 48 hours of initial purchase will be granted.
Refunds requested within 72 hours of initial purchase will be granted with good cause.
No refunds after 72 hours of initial purchase.
Trial Period
If you try the product (within the 48-hour refund period) and find that it does not work for you or your patients, a refund will be granted, no questions asked.
Alternatively, If you like the product and only need an additional feature to make it work better for you, you can submit a request for it!

The nature of software is that despite our best efforts, it can not be entirely reliable. Clinicians should verify the responses given by patients, and exercise their professional judgement in evaluation of results. The analysis given is merely a suggestion that does not constitute patient or population specific advice. Note that application data is not saved / logged, meaning that data not recorded by the clinician at the time of screening will be lost. We are not responsible for any damages involving the use of this software.