The “alpha” Function in R
Package: psych
Purpose: Compute Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for internal consistency reliability.
General class: Statistical analysis
Required argument(s):
x: The data, usually a data frame or matrix.
Notable optional arguments:
check.keys: If set to TRUE, the function finds the first principal component and reverses key items with negative loadings, issuing a warning if this occurs.
use: Options to pass to the cor function, including “everything”, “all.obs”, “complete.obs”, “na.or.complete”, or “pairwise.complete.obs”. The default is “pairwise”.
# Load the psych library
# Setup underlying trait and noise measured
N = 50
Measured_Trait = rnorm(N,5,1)
Measured_Noise = function(n=N){rnorm(n,sd=1)}
# Generate sample data
data <- data.frame(
Measure_1 = Measured_Trait + Measured_Noise(),
Measure_2 = Measured_Trait + Measured_Noise(),
Measure_3 = Measured_Trait + Measured_Noise()
# Compute Cronbach's alpha
alpha_result <- alpha(x = data)
# View the alpha result
print(alpha_result)This example demonstrates how to use the “alpha” function from the psych package in R to compute Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for internal consistency reliability. The function takes the data (x) as the required argument and allows for optional arguments such as “check.keys” and “use” to customize the analysis.