The “future_map” Function in R
Package: furrr
Purpose: Parallel mapping using futures.
General class: Parallel computing
Required argument(s):
.f: The function to be applied to each element.
.x: The input data structure or iterable.
Notable optional arguments:
...: Additional arguments passed to the function “.f”.
# Load the furrr package
# Tells future_map to run in parallel on 2 cores
plan(multisession, workers = 2)
# Create a list of numbers
numbers <- list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# Define a function to apply
square <- function(x) {return(x^2)}
# Use future_map to apply the function in parallel
result <- future_map(.x = numbers, .f = square)
# Print the result
print(result)In this example, we use the “future_map” function from the furrr package to apply the square function to each element of the numbers list in parallel. The output result will contain the squared values of the input numbers.