The “geom_boxplot” Function in R
Package: ggplot2
Purpose: To create boxplots in ggplot.
General Class: Geometric object for plotting boxplots.
Required Argument(s): None
Notable Optional Arguments:
mapping: Aesthetic mappings.
data: The data to be displayed in the plot.
stat: The statistical transformation to use on the data for this layer.
position: Position adjustment.
width: Width of the boxes.
fill: Box fill color.
color: Box border color.
outlier.color: Color for outlier points.
outlier.shape: Shape of outlier points.
outlier.size: Size of outlier points.
notch: Logical, indicating whether to draw a notch around the median.
# Example usage
# Create a data frame
my_data <- data.frame(
group = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 50),
values = rnorm(150)
# Create a ggplot object with a boxplot using geom_boxplot
my_plot <- ggplot(data = my_data, aes(x = group, y = values)) +
geom_boxplot(fill = "lightblue", color = "blue", notch = TRUE) +
labs(title = "My Boxplot", x = "Groups", y = "Values")
# Print the plot
print(my_plot)In this example, the geom_boxplot function from the ggplot2 package is used to create a boxplot. The function allows customization of aesthetics such as fill color, border color, and the presence of a notch around the median. The required aesthetics are specified in the aes function.