The “h2o.uploadFile” Function in R

  • Package: h2o

  • Purpose: To upload a file into the H2O cluster’s key-value store.

  • General Class: Data Upload

  • Required Argument(s):

    • path: Character. The path to the file to be uploaded.

  • Notable Optional Arguments:

    • destination_frame: Character. The name of the key to upload the data into. If not specified, H2O will generate a key.

    • header: Integer. Row number to use as column names. The default is -1, which means autodetect.

    • sep: Character. The field separator character. The default is “ ”.

    • col.types: List. A named list of types for columns. The default is NULL.

    • na.strings: Character vector. A character vector of strings to interpret as missing values. The default is NULL.

  • Example (with Explanation):

  • # Load necessary package

    # Initialize H2O

    # Upload a CSV file into the H2O cluster
    h2o.uploadFile(path = "data.csv")

    # View the keys in the H2O cluster

  • In this example, the h2o.uploadFile function from the h2o package is used to upload a CSV file named “data.csv” into the H2O cluster’s key-value store. By default, H2O will generate a key for the uploaded data. After uploading the file, the function is used to view the keys currently stored in the H2O cluster.


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