TAPS-1 Substance Use Screener
Name of the Test: Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medication, and Other Substance Use Tool (TAPS-1)
Creators: Developed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).
Purpose: The TAPS-1 is a self-administered screening tool designed to identify individuals who may have problematic substance use.
What it Tests: The TAPS-1 consists of a series of questions that assess the use of four types of substances: tobacco, alcohol, prescription medications, and other drugs. It focuses on the frequency and recency of substance use. The questions include:
- Frequency of tobacco use
- Frequency of alcohol consumption
- Use of prescription medications for non-medical reasons
- Use of illegal drugs or other substances
Scoring: Each item is scored based on the frequency of use, with options typically ranging from "never" to "daily". The responses help determine whether further assessment or intervention is needed for each type of substance.
Target Population: The TAPS-1 is intended for use in adults, particularly those in primary care settings. It is designed to quickly identify individuals who may benefit from a more detailed assessment of their substance use.
Mental Health Screening Application: We offer this test in our mental health screening application that contains a collection of commonly used screening tests for the convenience of patients and practitioners.
See Also: PHQ-9 Screener, GAD-7 Screener, ASRS-V1.1 Screener, PC-PTSD-5 Screener, TAPS-2 Screener, AUDIT Screener, The Value of Screening