Creating Variables in R
You can use R like a basic calculator by simply typing numbers separated by the plus symbol.
5 + 2
output: 7
That is useful, but what if the values 5 and 2 could change, or you just want a better idea of what they represent? The solution is to represent these numbers as variables. To create a variable we put the variable name we want on the left, add a left-pointing arrow (“<“ followed by “-”), and then specify the number(s) we want to assign. In R, we can replace the left-facing arrow with an “=” sign interchangeably.
Hotdogs <- 5
Milk <- 2
Hotdogs + Milk
output: 7
With the new variables, we have an idea of what 5 and 2 represent, the cost of hotdogs and milk respectively. We can also have a variable represent a string of numbers, or what we call a vector in R. To create a vector with more than one number we can use c(), where each number is separated by a comma.
Prices <- c(5, 2)
output: 5 2
This is convenient because we can now use handy functions on the Price variable to understand more about the data. For example the sum and mean of the prices.
output: 7
output: 3.5
In the next blog, we will go over useful functions to create some commonly used vectors without using c().