The “abind” Function in R

  • Package: abind

  • Purpose: Combine multidimensional arrays along a specified dimension.

  • General class: Array manipulation

  • Required argument(s):

    • ...: Two or more arrays to combine.

  • Notable optional arguments:

    • along: An integer specifying the dimension along which to bind the arrays. Default is the last dimension.

    • force.array: Logical indicating whether to force the result to be an array. The default is TRUE.

  • Example:

  • # Load the required library

    # Create sample arrays
    array1 <- array(1:4, c(2, 2))
    array2 <- array(5:8, c(2, 2))

    # Combine the arrays along the third dimension
    combined_array <- abind(array1, array2, along = 3)

    # Print the combined array

  • In this example, the abind function from the abind package is used to combine two 2x2 arrays, array1 and array2, along the third dimension. The resulting array is a 2x2x2 array, effectively stacking the input arrays along a new dimension.


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