The “map” Function in R
Package: purrr
Purpose: Apply a function to each element of a list or vector and return a list of the results.
General class: Function
Required argument(s):
.x: A list or vector to which the function is applied.
.f: A function to apply to each element of .x.
Notable optional arguments:
.progress: A logical or function to show progress, useful for long computations.
# Load the required library
# Define a list of numeric vectors
list_of_vectors <- list(c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5, 6), c(7, 8, 9))
# Apply the function to each vector in the list
results <- map(list_of_vectors, sum)
# Print the results
print(results)In this example, the map function from the purrr package is used to apply the function “sum” to each element in list_of_vectors. The “sum” function calculates the sum of the elements in each vector. The result is a list of sums corresponding to each vector.