The “neuralnet” Function in R
Package: neuralnet
Purpose: Train and fit a neural network model.
General class: Model
Required argument(s):
formula: A formula specifying the model structure (e.g., response ~ predictors).
data: Data frame containing the variables in the formula.
hidden: A vector specifying the number of neurons in each hidden layer.
Notable optional arguments:
linear.output: Boolean indicating if the output should be linear (default is TRUE).
threshold: A numeric value to set the stopping criterion based on the threshold for error reduction.
stepmax: Maximum number of steps for the training process.
learningrate: The learning rate used for training the network.
# Load the required library
# Example dataset
# Fit a neural network model
model <- neuralnet(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data = iris, hidden = c(5, 3), linear.output = FALSE)
# Print the model summary
# Predict on the same dataset
predictions <- predict(model, iris)
head(predictions)In this example, the neuralnet function is used to fit a neural network model to the iris dataset. The formula specifies that the model should predict Species based on the four features. The hidden argument specifies a network with two hidden layers (5 and 3 neurons). The linear.output = FALSE argument indicates that the output should be a classification. The function outputs the model, and predictions are made on the same dataset.