The “separate” Function in R
Package: tidyr
Purpose: To separate a single character column into multiple columns based on a delimiter.
General Class: Data Reshaping
Required Argument(s):
data: The data frame to reshape.
col: The name of the column to separate.
into: The names of the new columns to create.
Notable Optional Arguments:
sep: The delimiter used to separate the column into multiple columns.
remove: Whether to remove the original column after separation. The default is TRUE.
Example (with Explanation):
# Load necessary packages
# Create a sample data frame
data <- data.frame(
ID = 1:3,
Name = c("John_Doe", "Jane_Smith", "Bob_Johnson")
# Separate the 'Name' column into 'First' and 'Last' columns
result <- separate(data, col = Name, into = c("First", "Last"), sep = "_")
# Display the result
print(result)In this example, the separate function from the tidyr package is used to reshape the sample data frame data by separating the ‘Name’ column into ‘First’ and ‘Last’ columns. The separator _ is specified using the sep argument. The result is a new data frame result containing the reshaped data with the ‘Name’ column split into two separate columns.