The “unite” Function in R
Package: tidyr
Purpose: To unite multiple columns into a single column by concatenating their values.
General Class: Data Reshaping
Required Argument(s):
data: The data frame to reshape.
col: The name of the new column to create.
...: Names of columns to unite.
Notable Optional Arguments:
sep: The separator to use between values. The default is “_“.
Example (with Explanation):
# Load necessary packages
# Create a sample data frame
data <- data.frame(
ID = 1:3,
First = c("John", "Jane", "Bob"),
Last = c("Doe", "Smith", "Johnson")
# Unite the 'First' and 'Last' columns into a single column 'Name'
result <- unite(data, col = "Name", First, Last, sep = "_")
# Display the result
print(result)In this example, the unite function from the tidyr package is used to reshape the sample data frame data by uniting the ‘First’ and ‘Last’ columns into a single column ‘Name’. The values from the ‘First’ and ‘Last’ columns are concatenated with _ as the separator. The result is a new data frame result containing the reshaped data with the specified columns united into a single column.