Stat 545 is a course offered at the University of British Columbia, and it covers a good variety of R programming tasks with the exception of statistical modeling and inference. is a well put together compilation of what is provided in the course with the format essentially being an online book. The thought behind excluding statistics is that there is a wide variety of resources covering statistical modeling, but much less attention is paid to data manipulation tasks and other interesting features of R. I very much like the structure of the course, by omitting these well-documented topics, they are able to cover topics that may not usually fit into a statistics curriculum. From the website, you can learn how to get started using R from the very beginning, and progress until you are able to make fairly sophisticated R Shiny applications. Some of the topics in the middle include: Using Github, R Markdown, The Tidyverse (dplyr, forcats, stringr, ggplot2, glue, and tidyr), writing functions, automating data pipelines, web scrapping, and probably some things I missed. If you are self-learning R, or want to supplement your R education, you may appreciate going through such a well-structured course on these concepts!